Fall Meeting  /  September 28, 2023  -  September 30, 2023


Österreichische Gesellschaft für Klinische Pathologie und Molekularpathologie

The rapidly growing influence of AI on Medical Imaging, in particular the connection of AI with the diagnosis of mammary lesions, is the focus of this year's fall meeting of the  Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Klinische Pathologie und Molekularpathologie (Austrian Society of Clinical Pathology and Molecular Pathology).
The field of AI is spreading in a revolutionary way from images generated in different ways to image recognition and classification of diseases, and is mainly expected to help as an aid in differentiating between tumor and non-neoplastic tissue. The latter is especially invaluable for pathology.


This year Fraunhofer MEVIS is represented with the following contribution:


Invited Talk

Johannes Lotz

"Robustheit von KI-Anwendungen in der Pathologie: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze" ("Robustness of AI applications in pathology: challenges and approaches.")

Saturday, September 30, 10:30 am – 11:00 am