Annual Meeting  /  September 19, 2019  -  September 21, 2019

CURAC 2019

German Society for Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery

The CURAC has been the central forum for technical developments and clinical applications in the field of computer- and robot-assisted surgery and actively and successfully links these two fields and enables intensive professional dialogue between users and developers since 2002.

This year Fraunhofer MEVIS contributes in the following way:


Chair: Ron Kikinis

Session Name: Session VI - Session of Excellence

Session Time: Friday 20.09.2019, 14:00 – 15:30

Location: Building 6 - large auditorium (große Aula)


Chair: Christian Rieder

Session Name: Session X - CURAC & CTAC

Session Time: Saturday 21.09.2019, 11:30 – 13:00

Location: Building 6 - large auditorium (große Aula)


Oral Presentation

Valentin Kraft

"A comparison of streaming methods for the Microsoft HoloLens"

(Authors: Valentin Kraft, Jan Strehlow, Sonja Jäckle, Verónica García Vázquez, Florian Link, Felix von Haxthausen, Andrea Schenk, Christian Schumann)

Info: Complex medical visualizations are often very computationally expensive operations – to enable low-powered devices like the Microsoft Hololens to render them, streaming is a reasonable approach. The presented work analyses multiple codecs and streaming formats for the Microsoft Hololens.

Session Name: Session VII - Virtual & Augmented Reality

Session Time: Friday 20.09.2019, 16:00 – 17:15

Location: Building 6 - large auditorium (große Aula)