Smart Linking for Improved Reading

In oncological diagnosis, routinely follow-up scans have to be read for assessment of treatment. Changes of the patient over time do not allow easy and direct comparisson. Simple linking of slices is not suffient for most cases.

What if...

  • extensive scrolling trough prior data is no longer needed?
  • just one click is needed to find the exact same location in your prior exams?
  • additional information can be gained in computational evaluation of the changes?


  • intuitive navigation - simply click and follow the link
  • time saving - the corresponding location is just one click apart
  • don't search - find
  • stick to your known workflow - seamless integration into your favorite reading system
  • short computation time
  • Compare CT/CT, MR/MR or MR/CT data

Get Additional Information on Changes

Due to our accurate processing methods, we are able to display and extract suspicious regions. 

If that was integrated in my PACS viewer, it would be a real relief. I'm convinced it will find many admirers.

Experienced senior radiologist

Fraunhofer MEVIS is developing methods for image registration, that help to make oncological reading smarter. Current and prior DICOM series are registered deformable. The result is a so called deformation field which allows linking of every position from one dataset on its exact anatomical position in the other.